
The history of the Besfords

Tag: Military

  • David Besford (1897-1991)

    David Besford (1897-1991)

    David Besford was the son of David Besford and Mary Besford (neé Turnbull). David was born on 1st February 1897 at Middleton Street, Amble, Northumberland. 

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  • La Boisselle

    La Boisselle

    The village of La Boisselle is a settlement in the Somme department of northern France. It was the subject of heavy fighting during the First World War. George Besford was wounded here in the Battle of the Somme on 1st July 1916.

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  • George Besford (1893-1966)

    George Besford (1893-1966)

    George Besford was born at 19 Church Street, Amble, Northumberland on 31st January 1893. He would go on to serve in the Northumberland Fusiliers in the First World War.

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  • John Besford (1890-1916)

    John Besford was born in 1890, the son of Thomas Besford and Elizabeth Besford (née Train). The 1891 Census records John aged 7 months and living with his parents at 5 Croft Street, Cowpen, Blyth, Northumberland.

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  • Charles Herbert Besford

    Born on 3rd December 1898 at South Shields. His parents were William Besford and Ella E. Besford (née Stokes). The 1901 Census recorded Charles Herbert Besford aged 2 and living at 5 Second Avenue, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne, with his parents.

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  • Percy Besford (skipper)

    The 1944 King’s Birthday Honours, celebrating the official birthday of King George VI, were announced on 2 June 1944. Skipper Percy Robert Smith Besford, RNR, 3475 W.S. (Lowestoft) was Mentioned in Despatches.

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