
The history of the Besfords

George Besford, buried Rothbury in 1721

Who was the George Besford who was buried at All Saints Church, Rothbury, on 3rd November 1721?

The entry in the Old Parish Register reads “George, son of the Widow Besford, Snitter”.

🔍 Unsolved mystery

The George Besford who was buried could have been the George Besford who was baptised in July 1719 dying in infancy. If it is this George Besford then this would mean that his father George Besford must have also died sometime between late 1718 and November 1721 in order for his wife to be referred to as “the Widow Besford”. However I have found no record of George’s marriage or of his burial.

It could be that this is the burial of the George Besford who was baptised in 1680, dying at the age of 41. This would mean that “the Widow Besford” referred to was Margaret Besford (née Robson) who was baptised in 1660 and married James Besford in 1679.

Of these two options, I believe that the first is more likely as I have found no records going forward of the George Besford who was baptised in 1719. This is in sharp contrast to his elder brother John for whom there are multiple further records.

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