
The history of the Besfords

Besford House

Besford House, Belle Vue, Shrewsbury, was built originally as a private residence in 1893. In 1911 it was set up a boys’ home, as a way of getting children out of the workhouses. It has now been restored as a family home.

Children from Besford House at a holiday camp under Meilden Mountain in North Wales, 1920s or early 1930s
Children from Besford House at a holiday camp under Meilden Mountain in North Wales, 1920s or early 1930s

The Public Assistance Act in 1948 transferred the running of the institution to the Shrewsbury Children’s Homes Committee.

The Local Government reorganisation in the late 1960s made Social Services responsible for the administration of the home.

Besford House, Belle Vue, Shrewsbury in 1976
Besford House in 1976

In 2011, it was put up for sale as “a nine-bedroom detached house with a guide price of £950,000”.

In 2012, the house was under threat, as a local housing group made proposals to demolish it to make way for new homes. However, planners rejected the proposal, and Besford House has since been restored as a family home.

Besford House is located at 42 Trinity Street, Shrewsbury, SY3 7PQ.

In the news

Shropshire Star, 12 April 2012
Scaled back plans for 16 houses on Shrewsbury council site
Shropshire Housing Group has tabled proposals to build 16 new homes on the site of Besford House in Trinity Street, Belle Vue.

Shropshire Star, 20 September 2012
Shrewsbury Matters: Fears that the battle to save house is lost
Almost 70 members of the public have objected to the plans which would see Besford House swept away. We are talking here about a handsome Victorian mansion which stands within a conservation area, and which, having been for decades an important children’s home, has much to say about the history of the area.

Shropshire Star, 21 September 2012
Shropshire care home demolition proposal is thrown out
Controversial plans to demolish a historic former children’s care home in Shropshire to make way for housing have been thrown out by councillors.

Other links

Besford House and ‘the Naughty Boys’

Let’s Save Besford House

27 responses to “Besford House”

  1. Besford House was altered and added to in 1893 but originates from earlier in the century.
    It was not demolished. It was divided into two houses with nine others being built in the grounds.
    The whole development looks very appealing.

  2. i used to live at Besford house from the late 1970s till the late 1980s my mum lived there before me as well. im trying to find old pictures and names that lived there either when mum or i lived there many thanks

      • Hi Janet my name is David bryant.i was in Besford house in the 70s.did you live in winfield Gardens when you was a kid.

    • Did you no anybody Derek Rees and his brother david who tragically got killed on a motor bike on the elsmear rd

    • My Dad and his brothers all lived there and some time or another between 1970 and 1990 ish. My Dad was Dave Downward and he was there with his twin brother Dale. You can find me on Facebook, Charlotte Downward.

  3. Hi sue. Myself and my brothers lived there on and off during the early 80's. matt, dan and liz smith.

  4. Hi i used to live at besford house i only remember a few names hard to trace people

  5. Hi all my name it Tim Pope and i was in besford in the early 80's until 1993.I can see all the faces I grew up with but can hardly remember there names.can anyone help? Pics would be great.i had fun there belive it or not lol

    • Hi Tim Alison Fenton here I thought you’d passed away else I’d have looked for you ,, all my love xx

      • Hi my name is glen davies i wS a resident with u and tim can u remember Margaret peurser Louis den paul davis and andrew daies theres plenty more i would love to here from yous again i can even remember the dogs name jake they used to belong to the mangers

    • Hey tim remember me from Bedford house I believe i was there when you was karen lacourse

  6. Hi Tim is this the Tim who also lived in little Besford the independent House further up the road from the main house my name is Maxine I was there in big house around 1986 and little house just after that there was a lad called Derek there aswel

  7. I was there from 89-92
    I know a few are dead,met a few in prison
    Can remember many names and faces and forgot as many
    I was in the main house

  8. Hi, I’m trying to trace back my farthers mother who I believe was living/ working at Besford house her name was Winifred Moyle does anyone remember this name?

    I’m unsure if Winnie was there working or lived there? Would of been roughly 1920’s

  9. I remember you Tim Pope, Wayne Talbot, Keith Smith, glen Davies, beryl sheen, Richard Oxford, Paul Davies, Andrew Davies (mallet)… My twin brother Dale, Margaret purser, her brother Jamie, Karen lacourse and her sister, Andy and Adrian George, Kate Bellwood, Andrew Leslie.

  10. Me and my twin brother was in besford house 1989 till 1992 Gareth and Mark Perks

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