Sonja Besford (Sonja Batinić-Besford) is a Serbian writer born in Belgrade.
She has five books published in Serbian and two books of poetry in English. In English she is also the author of two plays, numerous short stories and poems published in magazines in UK, USA, Serbia, France, along with many reviews of contemporary literature. These have been translated into various languages.
Sonja is the president of the Association of Serbian Writers & Artists Abroad. She is married to a dentist and lives in London.
Shown is her first poetry collection written in English, Arrivals & Departures, a book of poetry by Sonja Batinić-Besford (2001, 96pp). Foreword by Alan Brownjohn. Drawings by John Besford. Published by The Association of Serbian Writers Abroad.

The Serbian City Club↗ published an event recording of its “A Coffee with…” discussion with Sonja Besford in July 2023. The discussion considers Sonja’s life in the UK and how her attitude towards both the UK and Serbia has been challenged.
5 responses to “Sonja Besford”
Besford is also the author of "Summers in Brist and other poems", published by Ambit Books in London.
Dobar dan. Drago mi je da ste mogli da dođete na promociju onomad, na mini-sajmu u Fulham biblioteci. Čini mi se da ste izrazili interes za neke moje knjige pa Vas molim da ih pogledate i da mi – kad i ako imate volje i vremena – eventualno, napišete koju reč komentara, recenzije… Peđa Ristić
Dobar dan, Pedja,
Kao sto vidite, ne otvaram ‘cesto’ stranice o sebi. Vasu poruku sam videla sada, 2.5 godine kasnije: izvinite. Pokusacu da nadjem Vasu knjigu.
Gopodjo Sonja, obraćao sam vam se još jednom povodom rukopisa za štampanje. Ne znam da li je stiglo do vas. Otvorena mi je mogućnost za štampanje knjige u Olypia publish u Londonu. Potrebna mi je odredjena pomoć da bi e knjiga štampala, nadam se da ćete imati razumjevanja kao prestavnik udruženja.
Marko Suknjaja
Dobar dan, Marko, Vasu poruku sam videla sada, 1.5 kasnije, izvinite.
Ne znam kako bi Udruzenje moglo da Vam pomogne. Vas rukopis nisam dobila, a Olympia Press je ‘vanity’ press. Udruzenje ne placa izdavacima, normalno je vice versa, niti ima clanove cije klnjige su iskljucivo samoizdate.
Sve najbolje,